8 Strange and Beautiful Fox Species

8 Strange and Beautiful Fox Species

Bat-Eared Fox The bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) gets its name from its extra-large ears, which it uses to locate insects and other prey.

Tibetan Sand Fox The Tibetan sand fox (Vulpes ferrilata) may have regular-sized ears, but it appears to have an unusually broad head.

Cape Fox The cape fox (Vulpes chama) can be found in areas of southern Africa, including South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and the Kalahari desert region.

Crab-Eating Fox Also known as the forest fox and the wood fox, it is native to South America and can thrive in savannas, woodlands, subtropical forests, or riparian forests.

Fennec Fox The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a desert dweller that can survive on very little water.

Corsac Fox Corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) has extremely fluffy fur in the winter, which is why populations are perpetually threatened by poachers.

Silver Fox These foxes are born with extra melanin, making their fur darker, with interspersed silver tips that give it a unique shimmer.

Arctic Fox Unlike its desert-dwelling cousins that are adapted to extreme heat, this majestic canid is equipped for bitter cold.