Animal Body Parts That Will Blow You Away

April 16, 2024

Eagle Eyes 

Eagles have incredible eyesight, able to spot prey from miles away. Their eyes have a much higher concentration of cones than human eyes, giving them much sharper vision, especially at long distances.

An elephant's trunk is an all-purpose wonder. It's strong enough to uproot trees yet delicate enough to pick up a single blade of grass. Trunks are used for breathing, smelling, trumpeting, grasping objects, and even fighting.

Elephant Trunk

Compared to its size, the dung beetle is the strongest creature on Earth. They can pull weights hundreds of times their own body weight.

Dung Beetle Strength 

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals on Earth, reaching speeds of up to 70 mph. Their legs are specially adapted for running, with long, powerful muscles and flexible spines.

Cheetah Legs

Frogs can catch prey with their super-sticky tongues in a blink of an eye. The tongue's surface is covered in a special mucus that helps it adhere to insects and other small animals.

Frog Tongue

Sharks have a remarkable sense of smell, able to detect blood in the water from miles away. They also have electroreception, which allows them to sense the electrical fields emitted by living organisms.

Shark Senses