Animals hunted down in Africa for their skin


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Elephants are hunted for their tusks, which are made of ivory. Although international trade in ivory is largely banned, illegal poaching for ivory still occurs.

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African Elephant

Rhinos are targeted for their horns, which are falsely believed to have medicinal properties in some cultures. This has led to a significant decline in rhino populations across Africa.

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Leopards are hunted for their beautiful spotted fur, which is used in traditional ceremonies and occasionally in fashion.

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Cheetahs are often killed for their skin, which is sometimes used in the illegal wildlife trade. They are also captured alive for the exotic pet trade.

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Lions are sometimes killed for their skins, which are used in traditional cultural attire. Additionally, lion bones are sometimes used in traditional medicine.

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Crocodiles are hunted for their skin, which is used to make luxury leather goods such as handbags, shoes, and belts.

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Hippos are hunted for their skin, which is used to make leather products. Their teeth are also sometimes harvested for ivory-like jewelry.

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Ostriches are hunted for their skin, which is highly valued for its durability and texture in the fashion industry

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Monitor lizards are often targeted for their skin, which is used in traditional medicine and also for making leather products.

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Monitor Lizard

Pythons are hunted for their skin, which is used to make leather goods such as belts, wallets, and boots. They are also captured for the exotic pet trade.

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African Python