Animals with Honorary Titles

March 30, 2024

He was a honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, from 1997 until his passing in 2017.

Stubbs the Cat

Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania: This famous groundhog holds the honorary title of "Punxsutawney Phil" and predicts the arrival of spring every year on Groundhog Day. While not an elected position, Phil is a beloved symbol of the town.

Wilbur the Groundhog

Dorney Court, England: This black Labrador Retriever served as the "Lord High Protector of the Ducks" at Dorney Court, a country estate in England. His job was to keep geese and other predators away from the estate's ducks.

Lord Snowdon

Palm Springs, California: Vicky the cat held the honorary title of "Mayor of Palm Springs" in the 1980s. She was known for her friendly personality and her love of greeting visitors at the local library.

Vicky the Cat

 Norwegian Royal Guard: This king penguin holds the honorary title of Brigadier General in the Norwegian Royal Guard. Originally a Lance Corporal, Nils Olav has been promoted several times throughout his "career" and is a beloved mascot for the regiment.

Nils Olav III, Brigadier Penguin 

While not an honorary title in the strictest sense, Sergeant Stubby is the most decorated war dog in American history. His bravery during World War I earned him numerous medals, including the Distinguished Service Cross. Sergeant Stubby became a national hero and even met presidents after the war.

Sergeant Stubby, US Army Dog