Most affordable gemstones available around the world


Amethyst is a variety of quartz known for its purple hues, ranging from pale lavender to deep violet. It is widely available and relatively inexpensive, making it a popular choice for jewelry. 

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Citrine is another variety of quartz, known for its vibrant yellow to orange hues. Natural citrine is rare, but heat-treated amethyst is often sold as citrine.

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Aquamarine is a blue to greenish-blue variety of the mineral beryl. It is prized for its tranquil color reminiscent of the sea. Aquamarine is relatively affordable, especially in smaller sizes.

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Peridot is a bright green gemstone formed from olivine minerals. It is often called the "evening emerald" due to its vivid green color. Peridot is affordable and commonly used in both traditional and modern jewelry designs. 

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 Garnet is a group of closely related minerals available in a variety of colors, although red garnets are the most common. They are relatively affordable and durable, making them suitable for everyday wear.

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Topaz comes in a range of colors, with blue topaz being the most affordable variety. Natural blue topaz is rare, so most blue topaz on the market is color-enhanced through irradiation.

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Turquoise is a blue to greenish-blue mineral prized for its unique color and texture. It has been used in jewelry for thousands of years and is often associated with Native American and southwestern styles

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Opal is known for its mesmerizing play-of-color, which occurs when light diffracts through its microscopic silica spheres. While high-quality opals can be expensive, there are affordable options available, such as white opals and fire opals.

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Moonstone is a variety of feldspar known for its ethereal blue or white sheen, called adularescence. It is relatively affordable and often used in bohemian-style jewelry. Moonstone is associated with intuition, femininity, and emotional balance.

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 Rose quartz is a pale pink variety of quartz known for its soft, delicate color. It is affordable and commonly used in jewelry, particularly in romantic or feminine designs.

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Rose Quartz