Bizarre Facts About Your Body That Will Blow Your Mind

April 8, 2024

We have a tiny river inside us – the Lachrymal river. This tiny river constantly carries tears away from the eye to the back of the nose and throat through small canals. This is why your nose runs when you cry!

Your stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve razor blades! However, your stomach lining is constantly producing a protective mucus layer that prevents the stomach from digesting itself.

You are constantly shedding skin cells. In fact, you shed about 35,000 skin cells every minute! This adds up to about 60 pounds of skin flakes in your entire lifetime!

The human body contains enough iron to make a nail! Iron is an important mineral found in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout the body.

Our brains are wired for survival – which is why we find fatty and sugary foods so appealing. In our hunter-gatherer days, these foods were scarce and provided a concentrated source of energy.

Newborn babies can actually see underwater! This is because they spend so much time in amniotic fluid in the womb that their corneas haven't had a chance to fully adjust to air. This ability fades within a few months.

There is a community of trillions of bacteria living in your gut! These bacteria help with digestion, keep your immune system strong, and even produce some vitamins.