Earthquake Safety Guide: Essential Tips for Survival

April 27, 2024

Drop, Cover and Hold On

Immediately drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. This protects you from falling debris and provides stability.

Avoid running outside during the quake, as you may be at risk of falling objects or collapsing structures. Seek shelter in a safe area within your home or building.

Stay Indoors

Move away from windows, glass, and heavy furniture that could topple over. These items pose significant hazards during an earthquake.

Stay Away from Windows and Heavy Objects

If possible, shut off gas and electricity to prevent fires and electrical hazards. Learn how to safely turn off these utilities in advance to minimize risks during emergencies.

Turn Off Gas and Electricity

Once the shaking subsides, cautiously check your surroundings for any hazards, such as gas leaks, structural damage, or downed power lines. Be prepared to evacuate if necessary and follow emergency procedures.

After the Shaking Stops, Assess Surroundings