Flat White Coffee Google Doodle

11 Mar,2024

Credit: Google Images

The "flat white," an espresso-based beverage thought to have originated in Australia and New Zealand, was honoured by Google Doodle on Monday.

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The date that "flat white" was formally added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011 is March 11.

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Both Australia and New Zealand assert that they invented flat white coffee in the 1980s, despite the fact that the origins of the beverage have generated much controversy.

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The precise origin is still unknown, although evidence points to the flat white most likely developing separately in both countries.

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Google Doodles are impromptu, transient changes made to the Google logo in observance of local and international festivals, important occasions, and notable people who have made a lasting impact on society.

Credit: Google Images

Doodles come in different forms like pictures, animations, slideshows, videos, and games, providing diverse and engaging experiences for users.

Credit: Google Images

The flat white, a cherished coffee beverage consisting of steamed milk poured over a shot of espresso, is believed to have emerged on the menus of Sydney and Auckland in the 1980s.

Credit: Google Images