Nail Nirvana: Secrets to Strong, Stunning Nails

April 3, 2024

Just like your skin, your nails need moisture to stay healthy and flexible. Apply a hand cream with lanolin or shea butter a few times a day, paying attention to your cuticles.


Protect your hands and nails from harsh chemicals and cleaning products by wearing gloves when doing dishes, cleaning, or gardening.

Wear gloves

Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will provide your nails with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. Biotin, a B vitamin, is especially important for nail health. You can find biotin in foods like eggs, nuts, and salmon.

Maintain a healthy diet

This includes filing your nails regularly to keep them even, avoiding picking at your cuticles, and getting regular manicures (if you choose to).

Practice good nail care

If your nails are weak or brittle, you can try using a nail strengthener. Look for a product that contains keratin or protein.

Consider nail strengtheners

Constantly wearing nail polish can weaken your nails. Take a break from polish every few weeks to let your nails breathe.

Give your nails a break from polish

If you don't have time for a manicure or don't like the look of artificial nails, you can still have beautiful nails. Simply keep them clean, filed, and moisturized.

Embrace your natural nails