Nose Know-How: Tricks for a Stand-Out Schnoz

April 3, 2024

This is a classic technique for sculpting and defining your features. Use a cream or powder contour shade a shade or two darker than your skin tone along the sides of your nose and a highlighter down the center bridge. Blend well for a natural look.


Noses tend to get oily, which can make them look wider. Regularly blot throughout the day with oil-absorbing sheets to minimize shine.

Shine Control

Consider your hairstyle. Long layers or styles with volume on the sides can draw attention away from the center of your face. Blunt bangs, however, can make your nose appear larger.

Framing with Hairstyles

Glasses with the right frames can balance out your features. Opt for frames that are wider than the broadest part of your nose.

Accessorize Wisely

The most attractive feature anyone can have is confidence. Focus on your overall look and what makes you feel beautiful.

Confidence is Key