Sikkim's Alpine Charms: Lachung and Lachen

11  Nov,2023

Lachung and Lachen are picturesque mountain villages located in the North Sikkim district of the Indian state of Sikkim.


Both Lachung and Lachen are situated at high altitudes, contributing to their cool and refreshing climate. Lachung is at an elevation of around 9,600 feet (2,900 meters), while Lachen is even higher at approximately 8,800 feet (2,700 meters).


Lachung serves as the gateway to the famous Yumthang Valley, renowned for its stunning landscapes, hot springs, and vibrant rhododendron blooms during spring.

Base for Yumthang Valley

Lachen is the starting point for the journey to Gurudongmar Lake, one of the highest lakes in the world. The lake is situated at an altitude of about 17,800 feet (5,430 meters) and holds great religious significance for both Buddhists and Sikhs.

Gateway to Gurudongmar Lake

The regions around Lachung and Lachen are rich in biodiversity. Visitors can witness a variety of flora and fauna, including rare species like the red panda and various species of orchids and rhododendrons.

Flora and Fauna

These villages are inhabited by the Lepcha and Bhutia communities, and visitors can experience the unique cultural heritage of Sikkim through traditional festivals, dances, and rituals.

Cultural Heritage

Due to their high altitude, both Lachung and Lachen experience cold weather throughout the year. Winters can be particularly harsh, with heavy snowfall, making the regions attractive for winter sports enthusiasts.

Weather Conditions

Lachung and Lachen are not easily accessible by road, and the journey to these villages involves navigating through challenging mountainous terrain. Visitors typically reach these places from Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim.


Travelers intending to visit Lachen and Gurudongmar Lake need to obtain a special permit due to the proximity to the India-China border. These permits are usually arranged by tour operators or through the local authorities.

Permit Requirements

The Sikkim government promotes eco-friendly and sustainable tourism in these areas to preserve the natural beauty and protect the fragile ecosystems. Visitors are encouraged to respect local customs and contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Sustainable Tourism