Tales of the Final Kill

Mar 16, 2024

A pair of honey badgers have been observed fighting off a pride of lions, despite their significantly smaller size.

Honey Badgets and Lions

Grizzly bears ruthlessly attacked Cougar babies in Northern America. The Cougar applied his techniques to get the perfect angle. And in this speed and power fight, Cougar chased him away from his cubs.

Grizzly Bear vs Cougar

A huge crocodile feasts on a newborn hippo in front of his mother. The family saw the attack and they were far away and they could not do anything to save the baby. Days later the angry hippos united to take down the killer.

Crocodile feasts on baby Hippo

Frigate birds always bully other birds for food. In this fight, the Incomer goes for a throat attack with its sharp beak. The fight ends as the frigate bird flies for his life.

Frigate Bird Vs Incomer

A ranger in a South African game reserve has captured “extremely rare” footage showing a white rhinoceros with his killer weapon horn engaged in a head-to-head battle with a ferocious buffalo.

Rhino Vs Buffalo

In the dry plains of Southern India, a crawling venomous Cobra can and 30 inches long and with a weight of 5 pounds mongoose, the savage showdown of the Animal kingdom lies. Thanks to unique adaption, Mongoose kills the Cobra.

Mongoose Vs Cobra

When two males go head to head, they can fight to the death. Charging around at 50 miles per hour shows these animals his fighting fitness. The fight continues till they twist their opponent's neck and inflict a potentially fatal broadside.

Antelope Vs Harem

From a sword fight with deadly daggers to a clash of savagery and legendary cunning, the red fox is a true survivor found in every corner of the Northern Hemisphere.

Fearless red fox

The King of the Jungle was trapped by over 20 hyenas. The pack tries to wear him down. His ally heard the commotion. Odds have changed because a pair of male lions is too much to take.

Lions trapped by hyenas