Fish with patterns

Fish with patterns

Flame angelfish It is a marine angelfish of the family Pomacanthidae found in tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Ocellaris Clownfish he fish cleans and defends the anemone, while the anemone gives the fish a safe place to hide from predators.

Yellow Tang A very popular aquarium fish, the Yellow Tang is found throughout the Indo-Pacific region, but especially in reefs around the Hawaiian Islands.

Royal Blue Tang The fish you'll recognise as Dory also goes by many other names, including Regal Blue Tang, Hippo Tang and Palette Surgeonfish.

Amethyst Anthias With over 60 different species, the colourful anthias family hail from the Indo-Pacific region and are found in lots of different colours, so you can make one in yellow, orange, pink, purple or red and it'll still be realistic!

Copperband Butterflyfish The Copperband Butterflyfish is also commonly called the Beaked Coralfish.

Royal Gramma With its distinctive half-purple and half-yellow appearance, the Royal Gramma comes from the Caribbean and is also known as the Fairy Basslet.

Pajama Cardinalfish The Pajama Cardinalfish hides a special secret to ensure the survival of its young - the male incubates the eggs in his mouth until they hatch!

Angelfish A beautifully coloured dwarf angelfish, the Flame Angelfish has a bright red, black-striped body and electric blue patches at the back of its fins.