World's most eye-catching dumping grounds


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Once the largest landfill in the world, Fresh Kills on Staten Island is now being transformed into a park, making it unique in its transition from a waste site to a recreational area.

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Fresh Kills Landfill, New York City, USA

At its peak, Bordo Poniente was one of the largest landfills in Latin America.

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Bordo Poniente Landfill, Mexico City, Mexico

Known as one of the world's largest e-waste dumping grounds, Agbogbloshie is unique for its informal recycling practices and the environmental and health challenges it poses

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Agbogbloshie, Accra, Ghana

Dandora is one of the largest dumping sites in East Africa, notorious for its environmental pollution and associated health risks. 

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Dandora Dumpsite, Nairobi, Kenya

The town aims to achieve zero waste by sorting waste into 45 categories for recycling, reuse, or composting, setting a remarkable example for sustainable waste management.

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Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center, Japan

This park was once a railway wasteland but has been transformed into a unique recreational space, blending industrial remnants with modern design elements and green spaces.

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Gleisdreieck Park, Berlin, Germany

Known as the "Rubbish Island," Thilafushi was originally a lagoon but has been filled with waste to create land for industrial activities.

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Thilafushi, Maldives

 Its unique aspect lies in ongoing efforts to rehabilitate the site and transform it into a green space for recreational and educational purposes.

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Kibarani Dumpsite, Mombasa, Kenya