In a bid to secure a seat in the upcoming assembly elections, Pani Taram, the BJP candidate, officially filed his nomination for the 21st Koloriang Assembly Constituency. The constituency, nestled in the Kurung Kumey District and bordering China, saw Taram submit his candidacy papers at the DC Office Koloriang, Kurung Kumey District, in the presence of CEO IAS Vishakha Yadav.
Taram's candidacy comes amidst internal party dynamics, notably with Lokam Tassar, the incumbent BJP MLA from Koloriang, being denied a party ticket. Tassar, opting to abide by party discipline, has decided not to contest under any party banner in the upcoming elections.
Meanwhile, the People's Party of Arunachal (PPA) has made significant moves in the electoral landscape, with its President, Kahfa Bengia, re-entering the fray. Bengia, a former minister who previously represented the Koloriang assembly constituency over two decades ago, is now vying for the seat once again, this time under the PPA banner.
The political landscape in the region is thus set for a dynamic contest, with Taram representing the BJP, Bengia spearheading the PPA's efforts, and Tassar stepping aside in adherence to party directives. As the electoral campaign gains momentum, all eyes are on the 21st Koloriang Assembly Constituency, where these contenders will vie for the electorate's mandate.
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