Amid the ongoing bandh call by aspirants and public which turned violent due to scuffle between students and armed forces Chief Minister of Arunachal Pema Khandu appealed all protestors to be calm and be at peace as government is ready to discuss regarding their all the demands.
Chief Minister Pema Khandu talking to media stated that this breach of law and order situation witnessed in the capital city is not a good trend for Arunachal Pradesh.
Chief Minister Khandu said that the APPSC paper leakage scam is very unfortunate and due to this matter there is a law and order breakdown because of the outburst of the aggrieved students and aspirants.
"When this paper leakage matter in Arunachal Pradesh public service commission came into light in September 2022,Government of Arunachal tackled it with iron hand. As apart from parents and youths government of Arunachal Pradesh is also much concerned regarding this serious crime. Looking into memorandum given by public the casehas been handed over to CBI for free and fair investigation by the Government.", Pema Khandu said.
"From day one I stated that the APPSC is an autonomous body and in order to overhaul the entire system from top to bottom all the members and Chairman were forced to resign, other services of employees in the commission were merged into civil secretariat by decision of cabinet.The vex issue to clean the commission was pending,so new commission was formed by advertisement.", he added.
The Chief Minister said that the New Committee in the commission will make new SOP and advertise and conduct the pending exams.
"Now the Government cancelled the oath taking of the new committee by hearing the 13 demands of Pan Arunachal Joint Steering Committee and all the issues should be discussed by sitting despite of turning violent and fight with security forces,or breaking law and order by damaging properties.", Khandu said.
The CM said that the thirteen points will be discussed through CM level and this government is a people friendly government and inclusive one to listen to the voices of common masses.
Cabinet meeting already decided to cancel the oath taking of the members and Chairman of the commission.
He added that all the members of Pan Arunachal Joint Power Steering Committee are invited to come and sit to discuss all the pending demands. He further said that bandh call is not a solution for any problem, today due to scuffle between police forces and students many got injured and Arunachal Government will help for their treatment expenditure.
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