In a proactive start to the New Year, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu took to microblogging site X on January 1, sharing insights from his meeting with Governor Lt Gen KT Parnaik (Retd) at Raj Bhavan. The Chief Minister conveyed warm #NewYear2024 greetings on behalf of the people of Arunachal Pradesh.
During the meeting, the leaders engaged in a meaningful discussion about the development programs and various related issues crucial for the progress of the state in the coming year. Chief Minister Khandu highlighted the dedication of Team Arunachal in pursuing the #ViksitBharatSankalpYatra, garnering appreciation from the Hon'ble Governor.
Lt Gen KT Parnaik, who recently toured Vijoynagar, Gandhigram, Miao, and Pangsau Pass in the last week of December provided valuable feedback. His observations and insights are expected to play a pivotal role in enhancing the government's efforts to cater to the needs of the people more efficiently.
Expressing his thoughts on the occasion, Governor Parnaik stated the importance of motivating citizens to actively participate in various welfare schemes, programs, and projects. He stressed the need for collective efforts to ensure the fast-paced development of the state.
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