In preparation for the upcoming G20 summit in Itanagar, the Itanagar Municipal Corporation (IMC) conducted an 'eviction and clearance drive' in the Ganga market area on March 20. The drive, conducted in the presence of the magistrate and police personnel, aimed to clear out illegal hoardings, construction materials, and other obstructions that were hindering the free flow of traffic.
According to IMC Commissioner Likha Tejji, the drive is a regular process of the IMC. However, in view of the proposed G20 summit to be held in Itanagar on 25 March, the IMC is intensifying its groundwork for a clean and green Itanagar. The IMC is also imposing penalties on those who litter public places, including shopkeepers who are not keeping their surrounding clean, as per the high court order.
Tejji informed that the corporation will start "night sweeping in the capital region, and eviction of stray animals will be started soon." The measures taken by the IMC are part of its efforts to ensure that the capital city is clean and presentable for the international event.
The G20 summit is a significant event that brings together leaders from the world's largest economies to discuss global issues. With Itanagar being the host city for this year's summit, the IMC's efforts to improve the city's infrastructure and appearance will play a crucial role in ensuring a successful event.
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