Kokrajhar: In a tragic incident reported from Assam's Kokrajhar district, a 17-year-old Hotel Management student studying in Goa reportedly drowned in the Longa river in the afternoon hours of Saturday (November 1). A search operation is going on along the Longa River at Dotma in Kokrajhar, Inside Northeast sources have confirmed.
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The drowned youth has been identified as Pangkaj Brahma(17) of Kamalsing village under the Gossaigaon subdivision. Pangkaj Brahma, identified as the son of a certain Sajen Brahma, was a student of Hotel management studying in Goa.
As per inputs, Bharhma had visited his uncle's house at Dotma yesterday and had gone to the Longa river for a bath when he drowned.
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Police and SDRF teams have been searching the youth since early in the morning today. Police informed that the search operation is going on to fish out the drowning youth at the Longa River.
This sad and shocking incident has cast a pall of gloom in Dotma.
This is a developing story. Stay tuned to Inside Northeast.
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