The Ninth All India Police Commando Competition that is being organized under the aegis of Assam Rifles was inaugurated today and will last till 9th January at KASA Stadium in Diphu on Wednesday. The main focus of the meet is to improve the standard of professional performance of the police forces and enhance the physical and mental robustness as well as foster team spirit in police personnel.
A total of 22 teams comprising eight Central Armed police force teams and 14 State police forces team are participating in the event. Meghalaya Governor Tathagata Roy was the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony which was held on 2nd January.
In his opening address, Director General of the Assam Rifles, Lt Gen Sukhdeep Sangwan, welcomed the Governor of Meghalaya as well as the other dignitaries who were present there. He exhorted all competitions to put in their best and contribute towards building a strong, effective and professional police force in our country.
The closing ceremony of 9th All India Police Commando Competition will be 09 January 2019 and Sarbananda Sonuwal, Chief Minister of Assam has consented to grace the occasion.
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