Tarun Gogoi, who is the three-time former Chief Minister of Assam, on Friday lashed out at the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) party while campaigning in Barpeta for Congress candidate Abdul Khalek ahead of the elections in the Lower Assam Constituency and expressed faith that Rahul Gandhi will be crowned the new Prime Minister after the seven-phase mammoth elections in the country come to an end.
Taking swipes at BJP allies AGP, who have been criticized for their pre-poll alliance with the BJP despite ideological differences, Gogoi said: “AGP are betrayers of the nation. They are selfish. They are opportunists. They are not a political party, they are a band of opportunists. More than 800 people died during the Assam Agitation, but this party is not for the people anymore and they are running after money instead. They will be defeated by the people.”
“Rahul Gandhi will be Prime Minister, and Modi is getting nervous. He is asking for votes based on the ‘surgical strikes’ after Pulwama attacks. He is involved in corruption in the Rafale deal”, Gogoi added.
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