Assam Pradesh Congress Committee senior spokesperson, Durga Das Boro on Monday alleged that MP Naba Kr. Sarania was voted into power only to defeat BTC Chief Hagrama Mohilary, but failed to live up to any of his promises. He also compared the AGP-BJP’s alliance breakup to a husband-wife divorce drama.
Slamming the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) over the alliance with BJP that it has put the concept of regionalism six feet under, Boro said, “The AGP-BJP break up is just like a divorce story of husband and wife who are given a notice period of one year before their final separation. They can neither accept themselves as husband and wife nor deny it.”
Durga Das Boro also criticized Kokrajhar Lok Sabha MP Naba ‘Hira’ Kr. Sarania and said: “People did not vote for Hira Sarania, he was just voted into power as a tool to defeat BTC Chief Hagrama Mohilary. However, ever since he was elected, Sarania has maintained silence over the promises he made during elections which were the election of VC, amendment of the sixth schedule, preservation of language and culture, etc. As everyone known any change in the sixth schedule has to be discussed in the Centre. But Hira Sarania neither took any initiative nor even took up the issue to the centre for which he was voted into power. On the other hand, he has been acting like a BJP member and voted BJP’s candidate Ram Nath Kovind for the Presidential post. He was voted to power by anti-Hagrama public, but he did nothing for them. This is the reason Hira Sarania’s name is not even in the list of candidature.”
Das Boro, commenting on the Congress’ prospects during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, expressed that the party has nothing to lose this time around. “The Congress preparation (for the election) is at its peak. We have been filing nominations for a month and we are going to contest for all the 14 seats. We have filed 34 nominations for a single constituency. In this election, we have nothing to lose. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will be losing its seats whereas the public is ready to increase the number of seats for the Congress. Congress will be at number 1 position and this will also decide the outcome of the 2021 elections”, he said.
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