The Chief Minister's Office, Government of Assam, tweeted on X, the state's commitment to ensuring a Swachh Assam. The tweet mentioned several key initiatives undertaken by the government, including achieving 100 per cent Open Defecation Free (ODF) status, prioritizing solid and plastic waste management, and installing biogas plants among other measures.
On March 5, 2019, Assam reached a significant milestone by becoming 100 per cent Open Defecation Free (ODF) under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Grameen (SBM-G) Phase II. This achievement was a result of dedicated efforts and collaborations between various stakeholders, leading to the declaration of 25,214 villages as ODF Plus, ensuring comprehensive sanitation coverage across the state.
The state has also made remarkable progress in waste management initiatives. Solid waste management has been successfully implemented in 8,154 villages, while liquid waste management covers 23,547 villages as of April 10, 2024. Furthermore, 103 Plastic Waste Management Units are operational, with plans for full block coverage by 2024, reflecting Assam's commitment to environmental sustainability and cleanliness.
In line with sustainable energy solutions, Assam has initiated community-based biogas plants under the GOBARdhan scheme in 13 districts. These plants contribute to waste-to-energy conversion and are part of a broader effort to achieve complete district coverage by 2024, promoting eco-friendly practices and reducing organic waste.
The state's focus on cleanliness, sanitation, waste management, and renewable energy solutions underscores its commitment to building a healthier and sustainable future for its residents. Assam's achievements in these areas serve as a testament to the success of Swachh Bharat Mission-Grameen and the collective efforts of the government, communities, and various stakeholders towards a cleaner and greener Assam.
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