In a shocking and gruesome incident, a female BJP worker was allegedly murdered by her husband in the quiet town of Nalbari. The incident took place in the locality of Islam Chupa.
The victim, identified as Samsiyara Begum, was an active member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Nalbari. Her husband, Manjurul Alam, a former chairman of the Nalbari municipality board, has been accused of perpetrating the heinous act.
According to sources familiar with the matter, the couple had a history of frequent arguments and heated disputes. Witnesses often saw them engaged in intense verbal altercations, which escalated to a tragic climax today.
Following the alleged crime, Manjurul Alam immediately surrendered himself at the Nalbari police station, leaving the local community in a state of shock and disbelief. Police have initiated a thorough investigation into the matter to ascertain the facts and gather evidence.
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