The Cachar Police seized drugs worth an estimated Rs 9 crore during a special operation in Kathakal on July 28. The operation, based on credible intelligence, resulted in the apprehension of an individual found in possession of 30,000 Yaba tablets.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma lauded the successful operation on the microblogging site X, stating, "Based on credible intelligence, Cachar Police conducted a special operation in Kathakal today, apprehending an individual with 30,000 Yaba tablets. Kudos to Assam Police for their continued efforts for a #DrugFreeAssam."
In addition to the drugs, the police also seized a vehicle used for the transportation of the illegal consignment.
This seizure comes on the heels of the Chief Minister's statement on July 27, where he highlighted the non-political nature of the drug eradication effort stating the need for a united approach from all political parties and stringent law enforcement. In his statement, Sarma said, "The issue of drug eradication is non-political. Law enforcement must adopt a strict approach, and it is imperative that all parties, including the opposition, support the police in this fight."
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