Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal apprised the Prime Minister's Office and Union Home Ministry about the prevailing situation at Assam-Mizoram border over phone. Chief Minister Sonowal also telephoned his Mizoram counterpart Zoramthanga and talked to him about the incident that took place at the border.
During the talk, Chief Minister Sonowal stressed on taking productive measures and joint efforts to address the border issues. He also advocated amicably settling the border dispute and to work with cooperation for maintaining peace and law & order at the inter-state border.
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Chief Minister Sonowal said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, north east is experiencing rapid progress today. However, to maintain the momentum, there is a need to maintain peace and boosting relations between the States. He further said that there might have differences but all differences must be settled through dialogue.
Mizoram CM Zoramthanga assured Chief Minister Sonowal to maintain peace at the inter-state border and working with cooperation.
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