Assam Don Bosco University organizes awareness programme on Tuberculosis and Tobacco

Assam Don Bosco University organizes awareness programme on Tuberculosis and Tobacco

Assam Don Bosco University organizes awareness programme on Tuberculosis and TobaccoAssam

On the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day , Assam Don Bosco University (Tapesia, Sonapur - Assam), organized an awareness program on Tuberculosis and Tobacco, which included a screening test for oral cavity and cancers. It was organized by the two departments of the campus (English under the guidance of Madam Priyanka Kalita and Education under the leadership of Dr Ranjita Chanda) of NSS in collaboration with Government of Assam, The Union, STCC, NTEP, UNISERVITATE, and Seva Bharati Purbanchal.

The event started with an awareness program in the Auditorium of Academic Block 1, at 11.00 am. Our honourable guests for the day, Dr. Chiranjiveevi A Koirala, Dr. Arundhati Deka, Dr. Anisha Dutta, Mr Mrinal Medhi along with their team were felicitated by NSS volunteers.

The program commenced with a detailed presentation on oral cancer by Dr. Chiranjivee A Koirala. On the onset of World Tuberculosis Day, he enlightened us on the importance of self examination of oral cancer and its immediate causes, to prevent the loss of lives due to ignorance on the matter.

After Dr. A Koirala’s informative speech, the event was followed up by a pictorial presentation by Dr. Arundhati Deka, State Nodal Officer, NTCP. She briefed us upon the global fact sheets regarding the consumption of tobacco and its consequent relation to the increase of Tuberculosis worldwide.

Our final guest Mr. Mrinal Medhi, State Programme Manager, Tobacco Control Cell, graced us with his enlightening presentation on Cigarettes And Other Tobacco Products Act – 2003 (COTPA). He briefed us about the constitutional remedies against the consumption of tobacco in public places and educational institutions, and amongst the reach of minors. He encouraged us to download the Tobacco monitor App to reduce the consumption of tobacco.

The next phase of the program, the screening of oral cavity and cancer, was held  in the infirmary  from 2.00 pm onwards. For the above-mentioned screening, around 51 participants were present for the same. The completion of the event with total success was  because of Mr Romero D'Souza (Project Leader for Service Learning) and Dr Riju Sharma (the director of the School of Humanities & Social Science).


Edited By: Admin
Published On: Mar 24, 2022