Assam Education Minister Ranoj Pegu, has rejected demands for his resignation in connection with the recent High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) paper leak case. The minister, while addressing the media, stated that the opposition is politicizing the incident and that the issue will not be settled by his or the Chairman of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) resignation.
Pegu urged parents to be vigilant of false information on social media and referred to the recent arrest of teachers who were involved in the scam. He emphasized the need for reforms in the minds of teachers involved in such scams and stated that proper measures need to be implemented to prevent teacher's access to question papers before the exam starts.
The HSLC paper leak scandal was exposed earlier this month, leading to the detention of several individuals, including teachers and students. The Crime Investigation Department (CID) had initiated a high-level investigation into the case, leading to the suspension of three teachers who were involved in the scam. Pegu further confirmed that the Geography question paper, which had gone viral on social media, was fake, and the police had identified the person responsible for its circulation.
The education minister's statement comes amid growing pressure from various organizations demanding his resignation. However, Pegu stated that the opposition is politicizing the issue and trying to divert attention from the main case. Pegu urged students not to be influenced by false propaganda and continue their preparation for the HSLC examination.
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