Assam: How can there be clause 6 implementation when there's CAA, asks Tarun Gogoi

Assam: How can there be clause 6 implementation when there's CAA, asks Tarun Gogoi

Assam: How can there be clause 6 implementation when there's CAA, asks Tarun GogoiAssam: Tarun Gogoi

The clause 6 report was released yesterday by All Assam Students Union (AASU). The report has created a huge political uproar in the state as it lay idle without the recommendations being formalsied into anything conrete.

Former Chief Minister of Assamspoke in length regarding the report . He said, "where's the report we don't know? The BJP earlier said that after 1 week they will implement but what about that report now. Why is the central gov silent on the clause 6 committee report? We are happy and congratulate AASU for releasing the document as they have upheld their duty".

On the issue of the Centre's lethargy to implement the report, Tarun Gogoi said, "the centre has not confirmed anything on that report as Amit Shah has not paid attention. They are now not excited to take the report and lack the commitment to implement it".

On the assurances made by the Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal that the committee report will be implemented. Gogoi said, "even though the CM is saying, still this report will not be implemented as no one cares about the Chief Minister because there's no credibility in both Centre and State as well as both Amit Shah and Sonowal. The PM has not yet released money for flood-affected people, if there's no credibility of PM, what is CM?"

Also read: Assam: Clause 6 committee defines ‘Who is an Assamese’, AASU makes recommendations public

Clause 6 although a guarantee of the Assam Accord and the Assam Agitation has been seen as a blanket for the BJP as regards to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). "If there's CAA, then how can there be Clause 6. This is another Jhumla like the 15 lakh rupees in the bank account. Unless they withdraw CAA, how can clause 6 be implemented"?

He also questioned the role of Sarbananda Sonowal in dealing with the situation. "What has the CM told the central cabinet? Who will implement this report? Centre, state govt and AASU?" Gogoi said

On the issue of the definition of Assamese, Gogoi replied, "yes we couldn't find a definition in our cabinet time. The current definition includes all the people of language and groups and I support the new definition of Assamese but there should be a full proof mechanism to implement otherwise there will be problems".

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Edited By: Admin
Published On: Aug 12, 2020