"There are huge illegal arms available with hands of Kokrajhar Lok Sabha MP and president of Gana Suraksha Party(GSP) Naba Kumar Sarania(Heera Sarania) who has been conspiracy to create chaos among the society in BTC area",said Dhanjit Sarania, commander of BTAD Army.
Expressing resented over MP Sarania's activities, Dhanjit Sarania,commander of the BTAD army stepped down as commander and formally today joined the BPF party to work for the people's welfare in days to coming.
Addressing the reporters at a press conference held at Bathow complex in Wednesday,Dhanjit Sarania told that MP Sarania formed the BTAD army to work against the Bodo community in BTAD region in 2019 and since after the formation of the army me was given charge of commander in the region and involved with some unwanted activities which were not suited for the citizens in the region under the guidance of MP Sarania.
He said that MP Sarania never think welfare and development for the citizens in the region and he only wanted his political gaining up strategy through the divisive tactics.He accused of MP Sarania has been tactically planting illegal arms in some places in Baksa district in which myself was involved with the active under the strong initiative of Sarania.He always think against the Bodo common and influencing Bodo and non Bodo sentiment among the innocent citizens of the BTAD region.
Dhanjit Sarania while reveal his involvement with some anti social activities in the area told that some months myself buried some arms at a house complex of Yadav Das in Baksa under the direction of MP Sarania and later Indian army recovered the arms.He said that MP Sarania has been maintaining illegal arms and he is leading unsuited active through the BTAD army to create chaos and resented among the society.
He said that MP Sarania himself is involved with illegal arms keeping in the region and he is blaming some other persons for involved with illegal arms recovery issues.
Dhanjit Sarania said that he was upset with MP Sarania's direction for carrying unsuited activities and divisive tactics to create Bodo and non Bodo sentiment among the society.
He also alleged MP Sarania has earned hills like properties in his life after being elected as MP in the region.He informed that MP Sarania so far have huge properties in several 2O places in Guwahati and its adjoining areas.
He said that he didn't do any welfare activities for the citizens of the Kokrajhar Lok Sabha constituency after being elected to bat Lok Sabha in his life.
Dhanjit Sarania said that he and his followers have joined the BPF party to work social welfare and development.
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