In a groundbreaking moment for the Bodo community, Maihursa Boro, a first-generation social entrepreneur and edupreneur hailing from Udalguri, BTR, Assam, has been honored with the prestigious REX Karmaveer Chakra Award 2023-24 (Silver). The announcement was made at the REX Conclive event held at Shri Nadar School, Faridabad, organized by the International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO) in collaboration with the United Nations from November 25 to 27.
Maihursa Boro, the recipient of the global civilian award, spoke to India Today NE, expressing his gratitude and outlining his vision for societal change through education. "I believe that education is one of the aspects through which we can bring some changes in our society," he said. "Today, after having received this award, I would like to thank the REX family for recognizing my small bit of work. With this award, the responsibility on my shoulders has risen to do more for the society and give back. I commit to continuing my efforts and bringing change to our society."
The REX Karmaveer Chakra Award 2023-24 (Silver) was bestowed upon Maihursa Boro in acknowledgment of his courage, dedication and commitment to initiating a social revolution. Over the past decade, he has been a stalwart in the education sector, championing the cause of an inclusive curriculum. Operating without any external funding, Boro annually selects 30 underprivileged students from the remotest corners of his state, providing them with free education up to the 12th standard.
His school emphasizes education beyond traditional classrooms, focusing on life skills, practical learning and education for a larger purpose. Despite encountering numerous obstacles and criticisms along the way, Boro remains undeterred, driven by his commitment to transformative education.
Maihursa Boro's achievements extend beyond this recent accolade. Previous honors include the REX Karmaveer Chakra Award 2019-20 (Bronze), the Young Communication Achiever Award (2012) from Whistling Woods International, Mumbai, the Social Changemaker Award (2018) from the Indian Awaz Foundation, the India Star Icon Award (2019) from the India Star Book of Records and the Top 10 Principal of the Year Award (2019) from the Early Child Development Forum, Guwahati.
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