Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on December 31 that Mission Basundhara has successfully settled over 2,82,000 bigha of land in the Brahmaputra Valley and an additional 21 bigha in the Barak Valley. Most notably, the beneficiaries of this historic land settlement initiative predominantly hail from backward communities, aligning with the core philosophy of inclusive governance.
Launched with the primary objective of streamlining, resolving, and enhancing accessibility to land revenue services, Mission Basundhara is designed to significantly reduce the pendency in updating land records through a mission-mode approach. The mission also aims to expedite the disposal of services requested by citizens, fostering an environment conducive to ease of doing business within the land management ecosystem.
Key achievements of Mission Basundhara:
- An exceptional success rate, with an average of 99% of cases disposed of across districts.
- Brahmaputra Valley: Over 2,82,000 bigha, 3 katha, 9 lessa settled.
- Barak Valley: 21 bigha, 8 katha, 1 chatak, 2 gonda settled.
- In the AP Transferred land, 6,776 out of 8,148 cases delivered belonged to ST, SC, OBC, and MOBC applicants.
- All 8,195 cases delivered in Tribal Hereditary land were of ST applicants.
- 838 cases delivered in Occupancy Tenant land, with over 50% belonging to the OBC community.
- 3,149 cases delivered in Special Cultivators land.
- A total of 1,83,561 cases delivered in Khas/Ceiling Surplus land, of which 1,54,776 cases were from the ST, SC, OBC, and MOBC communities.
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma expressed his satisfaction with the accomplishments, emphasizing the mission's dedication to empowering marginalized communities.
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