Acting on an input, a operation was launched at Damrapara village of Gossaigaon sub-division under Kokrajhar district of Assam, where the team recovered the missing driver of the container truck bearing registration number NL01L/6714 parked at the HP Pump Simultapu. The driver had been missing since August 5.
Police officials, while speaking to the mediapersons, stated that on getting information about the driver, they launched an operation and recovered the driver Dharmendra Mondol of Bihar along with the kidnapper Bisu Barman of Damrapara village under Kokrajhar district.
They further stated that enquiry is on to get to the bottom of the situation.
Inside Northeast’s CaInmpaign #LetsSaveDeeporBeel is now supported by Oil India Limited (OIL). Join us as we continue the awareness campaign to preserve the only Ramsar site in Assam which is facing immense threats (A Ramsar site is a wetland site designated to be of international importance under the Ramsar Convention). We need your help to preserve this site of great ecological importance. Join the #LetsSaveDeeporBeel campaign and tweet about it, and do tag us on Twitter. Let’s make some noise!
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