A tragic incident unfolded on Garhkaptani Road, connecting Nagaon and Botadrava, as a fatal road accident claimed the life of an unidentified man in front of the newly established oil petrol pump. The fatal collision occurred when a passenger, seated in a tempo bearing registration number AS 02 D C 3941, was struck by an unidentified Tata DI car.
Following the collision, both the driver of the tempo and the Tata mobile fled the scene, leaving the victim behind. The identity of the deceased is yet to be determined, adding to the gravity of the situation.
In response to the distressing incident, authorities from Batadrava swiftly arrived at the scene to commence an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident. As part of standard protocol, the deceased was promptly transported to the Civil Hospital in Nagaon for a post-mortem examination to ascertain the cause of death.
The victim's identity and further details regarding the accident are pending the outcome of the ongoing investigation. The sudden tragedy has sent shockwaves through the local community, emphasizing the pressing need for enhanced road safety measures and strict enforcement of traffic regulations.
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