The Assam Police Force has achieved a significant decrease in case backlog, according to recent statistics shared by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma. The data reveals a substantial drop in the average number of cases handled by each investigating officer, leading to improved efficiency and faster resolution of pending cases.
In 2021, each investigating officer was responsible for an average of 52 cases. By June 2024, this figure had plummeted to just 7.39 cases per officer.
This dramatic reduction has allowed officers to dedicate more time and resources to each investigation, potentially improving the quality of their work.
The impact on case pendency has been equally impressive. In 2021, there were 95,994 pending cases in the Assam police system. By June 2024, this number had fallen sharply to 18,286 - a reduction of over 80%.
Chief Minister Sarma attributed these improvements to recent modernisation efforts within the police force. He suggested that the reduced caseload has not only eased the burden on individual officers but has also benefited the wider community by accelerating the delivery of justice.
Due to our modernisation efforts, the avg number of cases, an Investigating Officer of @assampolice look after has significantly come down, reducing their burden and improving quality of investigation.
— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) July 25, 2024
This has resulted in a drastic reduction in case pendency, benfitting a…
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