Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday appealed to people in Assam not to panic over the upcoming publication of National Register of Citizens (NRC) saying all claims and objections would be duly examined and that adequate opportunity of being heard would be given before the disposal of claims and objections. He said only after that the final NRC would be published.
He allayed the fear of people in a series of tweets.
“No person is allowed to be harassed and no one is allowed to create fear or panic. Central government will provide all necessary help to the government of Assam in this regard,” he tweeted.
He also wrote: “The state government of Assam has been asked to ensure that law and order is maintained and no one is allowed to take law into their hands and all possible arrangements are made to ensure safety and security for all”.
He said the citizenship rules provide that any person, who is not satisfied with the outcome of claims and objections, can appeal in the foreigners’ tribunal. Thus, there is no question of anyone being put in a detention centre after the publication of NRC, he said
Quoting him, the PIB issued a statement.
“The NRC that is being updated in Assam in accordance with the Assam Accord signed on 15 August, 1985. The entire process is being carried out as per directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court which is constantly monitoring the process. I will like to assure everyone that the NRC exercise is being carried out in a totally objective, transparent and meticulous manner and will continue to be so. At every stage of the process, adequate opportunity of being heard is given to all persons. The entire process is being conducted according to law and due procedure is being followed. We will ensure that every individual gets justice and is treated in a humane manner. All individuals will have sufficient opportunity for all remedies available under the law,” the statement said.
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