The skeletal remains of an elderly woman, identified as Purnima Devi were discovered in her home in Jyotikuchi, Guwahati, on Sunday, October 20. The body is alleged to have been in the house for several days, raising questions about the mental state of her son, Joydeep Dey, who lived with her.
As per local reports, Joydeep had not shown signs of mental illness earlier but had become increasingly isolated after his father's death three years ago. Following his father's passing, Joydeep reportedly limited his interactions with others and prevented his mother from socialising with neighbours.
The situation came to light when neighbours, unable to reach Purnima, contacted her relatives. After Joydeep refused to allow them into the house, they alerted the police. Authorities arrived and found Purnima's remains inside.
Purnima had been living off her late husband's railway pension. The circumstances of her death are still unclear, and a forensic investigation is underway.
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