Tinsukia Police made a significant arrest on April 21, based on a tip-off, apprehending two individuals identified as Agnesh Tirki, also known as Motu, aged 31, and Rahul Sahu, aged 27. The operation was led by ASP(Crime) Moidul Islam, with support from Makum police station officer-in-charge C.M.S.Chetia and his team. The suspects were nabbed in Makum, Tinsukia, as they arrived from Dimapur via train.
During a search of their belongings, the police discovered five soap case-like containers containing 120.20 grams of suspected heroin powder, along with a piece of elephant ivory weighing 54.24 grams. Rahul Sahu had previously been arrested in a drugs case in Makum Police Station and had recently been released on bail. Further investigation is underway to determine the source and intended destination of the seized contraband.
This arrest comes just weeks after another major breakthrough by Assam Police on April 9, when notorious drug peddler Habibur Rahman, also known as Habijur, was apprehended from Panikhaiti village in the Chandrapur subdivision of Kamrup Metropolitan district. The police seized approximately 23 kilograms of ganja from his possession. Habijur had a history of previous arrests related to ganja smuggling and had served jail time, yet persisted in illegal activities.
The Assam Police have been actively cracking down on drug peddlers and smugglers in the region as part of their ongoing efforts to combat the drug menace.
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