In a devastating incident in Sivasagar, a vibrant young man lost his life in a road accident near Darikapar NRL. The victim has been identified as Ankur Raj Sharma, a well-known YouTuber in the region.
According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred when Ankur Raj Sharma who was driving a bullet motorcycle, collided with a parked Tata Magic van bearing registration number AS 04 BC 4585. The bullet, with registration number AS 03 Q 7048, reportedly struck the van with significant force, resulting in fatal injuries to Ankur.
Ankur Raj Sharma, known for his engaging content on YouTube was on his way from Betbari towards the city center when the tragedy unfolded. Hailing from Ganakkapati in Sivasagar, Ankur's untimely demise has left his family, friends, and followers in shock and mourning.
Authorities have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident. The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety measures and vigilance while driving.
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