After a meeting held on Wednesday between top AGP and BJP leaders following the finalization of their reunion on Tuesday, Finance Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that the BJP party is firm over the decision of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 but added that the bond between the two parties, the AGP and BJP, will be good despite differences. Further, Biswa Sarma added that the Bill will be implemented after taking ‘consultations’ and ‘consensus’ with allies such as the AGP.
Addressing the media, Himanta Biswa Sarma said, “Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal has asked all the three Ministers of the AGP to resume charge as Ministers by today itself. They have also agreed to it and by today Atul Bora, Keshab Mahanta, and Phanibhushan Choudhury will be joining with their responsibilities. The decision for seat sharing has also been taken. The announcement will be made by the Central Parliamentary Board on March 16 from New Delhi.”
The Minister also said, “The BJP party’s stand regarding the Citizenship Bill is clear from the very beginning and we don’t need to announce it again and again. The people of Assam and India know the stand of the BJP regarding the Bill. Similarly, the AGP has its own stand regarding the Bill. There are 2-3 months left to us and if a new Citizenship Bill comes, it will be introduced in the new session. During this period, we will hold discussions on the Bill and also take up measures for any modification to make it acceptable for the people.
“We can assure that the BJP and AGP relation will always remain on good terms in near future regarding any issues including Citizenship Bill. We will sort out everything through a process of consensus and consultation,” he added.
Speaking on the differences of the members of both the parties, Sarma said, “It is difficult for both the parties as both have contested alone in the Panchayat elections. But the goal of both parties is same, which is, to defeat the Congress Party. So from tomorrow onwards, Atul Bora and BJP State president Ranjit Dass will visit many parts of the state to address the members of both the parties regarding the alliance.”
It is to be mentioned that Himanta Biswa Sarma and the BJP are targeting 21 out of the 25 North East Constituencies in the upcoming General Elections.
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