Renowned Assamese film director Jahnu Barua, taking a firm stand against the controversial Citizenship Bill, has withdrawn his film from the Assam State Film Awards, to be held later this month.
According to reports, Padma Bhushan awardee has withdrawn his latest film, the highly-acclaimed Bhoga Khirikee (Broken Window), from the Government's annual film event.
While speaking to Inside Northeast, Barua said, "The situation is unfortunate, and should not have happened. We do not expect such misfortune to befall the State. In view of volatility of the situation, I do not wish to participate this time."
Speaking about the future of Assam amid the unrest over the Citizenship Bill, Baruah said that watching the Bill being enacted is akin to watching one's mother being stripped. "I do not know what will happen next, but I believe we should continue with the democratic protests", Barua said.
Barua also slammed the dual-nature of politicians, and alleged that the politicians are responsible for the misfortune that has befallen the people of Assam. "They say something, do something else. Assam has splintered into many pieces. Look at the condition of Assam, Delhi is dictating us, whereas all the other States are charting their own course, without the interference of the Central Government."
Baruah also said that the protests should be continued, while at the same time, urging the people of the State not to resort to violence.
It may be mentioned here that the proposed Bill that was passed in the Lok Sabha at midnight, has sparked widespread protests across the Northeastern region. Riots and protests are being held in various pockets of the states, and especially Assam, where the impact of the Bill is expected to be the most.
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