Today, Assam CM, Himanta Biswa Sarma held the Vijay Sankalp Yatra in Sarupathar, Assam, ahead of the upcoming LS polls. Sarma announced the tentative date for the matriculation results in the, stating that they will be announced between 19-21 April. The chief minister was addressing a public rally in Sarupathar, Assam, when he made the comments.
Addressing the crowd, CM Sarma extended his greetings for the upcoming Bohag Bihu festival.
"I wish all of you a very happy Bohag Bihu, in advance," stated the Chief Minister as he commenced his election campaign speech. He further expressed optimism about the upcoming Bihu celebrations, assuring the audience that the festivities would be grander this year.
Furthermore, CM Sarma promised the completion of various projects in Sarupathar, highlighting the construction of a new road connecting Sarupathar and Bokajan under the Asom Mala scheme as a major endeavor.
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