Sixteen students belonging to the All Assam Students”Union (AASU) unit and Post Graduate Students’ Union (PGSU) members of Dibrugarh University on Monday wrote letters to the Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal with their blood, urging him to scrap the controversial Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, which is expected to be tabled in the coming two days in the Rajya Sabha.
The students also made signboards where they scribbled the following with blood: ‘We oppose CAB, 2016- Tez Dim Maati Nidiu; Tez Dim Axomiyar Ostisva Jaboloi Nidiu’ (We shall forsake our blood but not our lands, we shall give our blood but won’t let our identity fade away).
It may be mentioned that the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill has reached peak points across the state. The protests against the Bill are being spearheaded by student organizations across the Northeast region who have been vehement in their opposition to the Bill.
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