The District Transport Officer (Enforcement), Kamrup Metro Prasenjit Kumar Ghosh was today interrogated by CID at its headquarters in Guwahati. Ghosh had been previously summoned by the department in connection to the alleged transport syndicate going on in Khanapara following which he appeared in the department’s headquarters. Reportedly, Ghosh was interrogated by senior officials of CID for nearly three hours regarding the illegal smuggling of coal following which he also submitted the department’s documents and information. It may be mentioned that Ghosh has assured to be fully cooperative with the CID throughout the investigation. He further added that strict action will taken against the six other officials of the transport department for failing to be present at the CID headquarters despite being summoned on March 3. Prasenjit Ghosh was one of the many who were accused of being involved in the transport syndicate of Khanapara.
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