The prime accused in the spine-chilling Noonmati twin murder case, Bandana Kalita, had reportedly planned to kill one more family member from her in-laws, according to Guwahati police investigating the case. The police had earlier found out that Bandana Kalita had killed her husband and mother-in-law with the help of two accomplices, Arup Deka and Dhanti Deka. The duo was produced before a court in Guwahati on March 4 after their two-day police custody ended and were subsequently sent to judicial custody.
During the interrogation, Arup Deka informed the police that Bandana Kalita had offered him Rs 2 lakh to help her with the murder. The trio then chopped the mother-son duo into pieces and stuffed the body parts in a refrigerator for three days before disposing of them in neighbouring state Meghalaya. The Guwahati Police have recovered several missing parts of the remains of deceased Amarjyoti Dey from search operations conducted in Meghalaya's Dawki.
On February 24, the machete used in the twin cold-blooded murder case was sent for forensic testing. The Guwahati police retrieved the sharp machete from Bondajan beel during search operations launched on Thursday. Despite the shocking revelation that Bandana Kalita had planned to kill another family member, the authorities have refused to reveal the name of the person due to the sensitivity of the issue.
The twin murder case has shaken the community, and the heinous nature of the crime has left many in shock. The Guwahati police are continuing their investigation into the case and have vowed to bring all those responsible to justice. The case highlights the need for increased vigilance and security measures in communities to prevent such tragedies from occurring.
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