Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on January 11 announced a series of elaborate programs initiated by the state BJP to mark the upcoming 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony at the Ram Temple. The event promises a blend of cultural festivities, cleanliness drives and community involvement across various religious sites in the state.
A pivotal meeting of the state BJP convened, drawing the participation of MPs, MLAs, district presidents, in-charges, co-incharges, office bearers, BJP Yuva Morcha's district presidents, and state BJP president Bhabesh Kalita. Chief Minister Sarma outlined the comprehensive plan, highlighting the key dates and activities.
The celebration will kick off with the 'Swachh Tirtha Utsav,' spanning January 18 to January 21. BJP volunteers will engage in cleanliness drives at numerous religious sites throughout the state.
January 22 will witness a historic moment as the 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony at the Ram Temple takes place. To ensure widespread participation, big screens will be installed at various locations across the state, allowing citizens to witness and be part of this momentous occasion.
On January 21 and 22, BJP workers will light up markets and other areas, creating a vibrant and celebratory atmosphere.
In a gesture of respect and sobriety, January 22 has been declared a 'Dry Day' in the state.
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