Meet Mrinal Saikia, the Assam MLA Who is Distributing Fresh-Cooked Food to Flood Victims by Boat

Meet Mrinal Saikia, the Assam MLA Who is Distributing Fresh-Cooked Food to Flood Victims by Boat

Meet Mrinal Saikia, the Assam MLA Who is Distributing Fresh-Cooked Food to Flood Victims by Boatmrinal saikia

By: Rana Pratap Saikia

An Assam MLA, Mrinal Saikia, who represents the Khumtai Constituency, has earned much praise and adulation for his humanitarian efforts in helping the people affected by floods in the State of Assam.

Pictures of the MLA distributing home-cooked food to people who have been affected due to floods have gone viral on social media, with many applauding him as a role-model for his deeds for the flood-affected community. His efforts have even earned the praise of veteran journalist Mrinal Talukdar, who wrote: "Assam Flood BJP MLA Mrinal Saikia distributing cooked food to the flood victims of his area. More such effort needed. Well done sir."

Speaking to Inside Northeast, the MLA says that he has undertaken a 'mobile kitchen' initiative during floods to help the victims affected due to the floods. "We distribute cooked food to people stuck in camps and also those stuck in their houses. Trust me, these people are in great need of food", he says with a sigh.

Saikia says that there are many people who are unable to find proper food and nutrition, which is where he comes in. "We are feeding 1,800-2,200 people each day, and the people are beholden to us as they do not have to wait for relief to meet their food demands."

"They don't have the facility to cook, which is a huge problem for these poor people affected by the flood. Since nutrition is a must to keep fighting against floods, we try to provide them with at least one single nutritious square meal a day so that they can continue their struggle against the floods", the MLA adds.

Mrinal Saikia says that the food is cooked by his employees, but he makes it a point to distribute it himself. "I try my best to be there, with the people. We will continue providing this service as long as the problem of flood persists in the State", he says.

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Edited By: Admin
Published On: Jul 17, 2019