Chief Minister Shri N. Biren Singh said that if we want positive change and inclusive development in the State then it should start from the grassroots level. He was speaking at a ‘Go to Village’ camp held at Govindagram Laiharaopung, Wangoi A/C in Imphal West today. The camp was organised by District Administration, Imphal West.
Speaking as Chief Guest, Chief Minister said that the essence of doing politics is to serve the people of the State and that’s why the present government, since its inception, decided to reach out to the people of the State. Now, under the initiative of the present government ‘Go to Village’ mission, most of the government services are being delivered at the doorsteps of the people. The people would no more face the inconvenience of visiting different Government offices for enrolment of different schemes or registering their grievances, he added. Chief Minister appealed the people of the State to get maximum benefits from such camps. Such mission is one of the steps to make a corruption free society, he mentioned.
Chief Minister informed the gathering that around 80,000 applicants were received on the inaugural day of the ‘Go to Village’ throughout the State. Out of which, around 40,000 grievances were delivered on the same day. He further mentioned that the second edition of ‘Go to Village’ mission camps were held at 52 villages across the State last Tuesday. Around 68,000 applicants were received and out of which 38,000 grievances were resolved on the spot, he added. He mentioned that a Committee would be constituted to gather the ground report/status of the people’s grievances and expectations.
Mentioning that there is around 40,000 drop-out students in the State, Chief Minister stated that the newly launched ‘Lairik Tamhanlasi’ scheme would encourage those students who are enrolled in government schools to get education by providing the cost of admission/examination/tution fees, uniform and text books to all the students in the State, he added. He announced that bathrooms and toilets especially for women and girls would be constructed near village ponds in every villages of the State. A budget of Rs. 3.5 lakhs would be allocated for such construction in each and every village, he added.
More than 25 different Government Departments including Agriculture, Fishery, Handloom and Handicrafts, Education etc. opened stalls to address people’s grievances at the camp. Chief Minister personally visited all the stalls being opened at the camp. During the inspection, Chief Minister directed the officials of the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) to provide gas connection to the 50 eligible beneficiaries on the spot.
On the occasion, Chief Minister distributed benefits under different social security schemes to selected beneficiaries.
Minister for CAF&PD Shri Karam Shyam said that such initiative ‘Go to Village’ is first of its kind in the entire country. Such mission would definitely contribute in bringing a positive change and achieving good governance in the State, he added.
Vice-Chairman of MIDA and MLA Wangoi A/C Shri O. Lukhoi, Imphal West Adhyaksha Smt. R.K Taruni, Additional Chief Secretary (Works and Forest & Environment) Dr. Suhel Akhtar, Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture and CADA) Shr Letkhogin Haokip and Imphal West DC Shri Ningthoujam Geoffrey and others were also present at the occasion.
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