In an embarrassing gaffe, the Union minister for development of north eastern region (DoNER) Dr Jitendra Singh on Friday tweeted about his meeting with Mizoram minister TJ Lalnuntlaunga. However, Twitter was left amused and somewhat baffled when he said that he was conveyed good wishes by the newly-elected Sikkim Krantikari Morcha government, whereas Mizoram is currently being ruled by the Mizo National Front (MNF) government.
Singh's mix-up raises some serious concerns as the DoNER was constituted specifically to look into the concerns of the Northeastern region and its developmental aspirations and possibilities.
However, he rectified the Tweet after his mistake was made apparent to him. The corrected version of his tweet reads: "Mizoram Minister for Law,Parliamentary Affairs,Transport,Environment,Forest & Climate, Sh T. J. Lalnuntluanga called on to convey good wishes from the Mizo National Front (MNF) government which was recently sworn in at Aizawl. Also discussed wide range of state related projects."
Earlier he had written that he had been conveyed good wishes by the newly-formed SKM party in Sikkim capital Gangtok, with the same set of pictures showing him holding discussions with the Mizoram Minister. Embarrassing!
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