Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma on Sunday paid tribute to the veteran politician and Meghalaya Speaker and former Chief Minister Donkupar Roy after the latter had passed away earlier in the afternoon in a New Delhi hospital. Arrangements are being made to return his body to Meghalaya by Indigo flight.
Taking to Twitter, Sangam wrote: "Deeply saddened by the untimely demise of Speaker of Meghalaya Assembly Dr Donkupar Roy. We have lost a leader, a mentor, who had dedicated his life for the service of the people. May Almighty provide strength to his family in this hour of grief. May his soul RIP."
As per reports, Roy had been admitted to a New Delhi hospital for the last 10 days and breathed his last at around 3:15 pm.
Donkupar Roy was born on November 10, 1954 was also a former Chief Minister of Meghalaya. He was also the head of the United Democratic Party, a political party recognised in Meghalaya.
After a fractured mandate in Meghalaya’s 2008 Assembly Elections, an alliance between his UDP and a handful of other parties stated claim to form the government under the banner of the Meghalaya Progressive Alliance, with Roy as Chief Minister.
After D. D. Lapang resigned as Chief Minister because he did not hold a majority in the state legislature, Roy was sworn in as Chief Minister on March 19, 2008.
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